Hollywood has made another PSA encouraging everyone to vote after the Leonardo Di Caprio produced reverse psychology "Don't Vote" PSA was successful. We like the message of this clip directed by Steven Spielberg. The screaming at the end should have been cut because we think the video sold the message without the shouting. When celebrities scream we just stop watching before the Borat surprise at the 4:24 minute mark. Sometimes celebrities like to scream when they blog but it's not necessary to yell on youtube. Watch the clip to see funny cameos from Borat. We were also surprised that Tom Cruise didn't re-enact his Oprah Winfrey couch jumping episode for all the viewers in Youtube land. Vote on November 4th! Yes We Can!
Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Cruise, Cameron Diaz, Snoop Dogg, Harrison Ford, Julia Roberts, Ben Stiller, Will Smith, Steven Spielberg, Justin Timberlake, along with Sacha Baron Cohen as Borat, Zach Braff, Colin Farrell, Neil Patrick Harris, Scarlett Johansson, Shia LeBeouf, Tobey Maguire, Ryan Reynolds, and Jason Segal, are featured in a second of a series of public service announcements to encourage American youth to vote in partnership with Google, YouTube, Declare Yourself, and MySpace. The non-partisan PSAs, produced by DiCaprios Appian Way, were created to engage and inspire young people to vote and participate in the upcoming election. Learn more at www.declareyourself.com