Chelsea Clinton was quick to answer a question about her mother Hillary Clinton's credibility after the Monica Lewinsky scandal and her mother's embellishment of events in Tuzla Bosnia. Chelsea Clinton defended her mother's account of dodging dangerous sniper fire in Bosnia.
Chelsea Fields Audience Question About Bosnia Sniper Fire
A student asked Miss Clinton whether she remembered any incoming fire. "Well sir, I think that my mother's on record as having talked about this and I support what she said. I mean, I was there as well and I'm so honored that I was there." It was the practiced answer of a politician and Miss Clinton has won praise for her command of the detail of her mother's policy proposals and ability to field just about any query. The Lewinsky question, however, appeared to be a tricky one for her. Mr Clinton’s sexual scandals have been all but off limits as a subject for discussion during the campaign. source
Chelsea answered the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal question quickly. "That's none of your business," she said. Chelsea's role in her mother's campaign has been questioned before by correspondent David Shuster. In February, David Shuster said he believed Chelsea Clinton was being "pimped out" by her mother and forced to make personal phone calls to champion Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign to "The View" co-hosts and superdelegates.
Chelsea Clinton Calls The View Ladies.
Mr. Shuster made the controversial comment about Chelsea while he was filling in as a guest host on Tucker Carlson's cancelled MSNBC show 'Tucker'. He later apologized on air for his remark.
Hillary Rodham Clinton on Saturday morning ripped MSNBC over reporter David Shuster’s suggestion that Chelsea Clinton was “sort of being pimped out” by the campaign.
“I found the remarks incredibly offensive,” Clinton told reporters in this snowy town outside Bangor. Earlier, she sent a letter to NBC brass that called for swift action against Shuster, who was suspended Friday by MSNBC.
“Nothing justifies the kind of debasing language that David Shuster used and no temporary suspension or half-hearted apology is sufficient,” Clinton wrote to NBC News President Steve Capus, who apparently had already called Clinton to personally apologize. “I would urge you to look at the pattern of behavior on your network that seems to repeatedly lead to this sort of degrading language,” Clinton wrote. “There’s a lot at stake for our country in this election. Surely, you can do your jobs as journalists and commentators and still keep the discourse civil and appropriate.”The hubbub started Thursday, when Shuster guest-hosted Tucker Carlson’s MSNBC show, “Tucker.” In a discussion about Chelsea Clinton’s role in calling superdelegates on behalf of her mother’s presidential campaign, he asked whether she was “sort of being pimped out in some weird sort of way.” source