The Obama family has expanded with a new adorable pet named Bo Diddley Obama. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama promised their beautiful daughters Sasha and Malia that they could get a first puppy after they were settled in the White House. The world was anxious about the selection of the dog with many people offering advice and suggestions on the type of first dog Barack Obama and his family should get.
It’s official: Bo is indeed living with the Obamas. The White House blog has published official first puppy photographs.
Original posting | 10:24 a.m. President Obama might have initially expressed interest in selecting a mutt to serve as the nation’s first dog, but when it came down to it, a puppy with Kennedy connections reportedly got the nod.
The first photos of the dog were published on the official White House website.
The Post described the dog as “a handsome little guy” with “tuxedo-black fur … a white chest, white paws and a rakish white goatee.”
A Web site called posted a picture of a Portuguese water dog on Saturday morning, saying its original name was Charlie, The Post wrote. linked to the picture, and eventually The Post received its tip from an anonymous source inside the White House. Soon thereafter, the blogosphere was abuzz with clever (and not-so-clever) plays on words.
Before deciding to give the dog a home, the Obamas arranged a meeting between Bo and the girls, The Post reported:
Bo charmed the first family, a source who was there said. He sat when the girls sat, stood when the girls stood. He made no toileting errors and did not gnaw on the furniture. Bo has, after all, been receiving lessons in good behavior from the Kennedys’ dog trainers. These lessons have been taking place at a secret, undisclosed location outside Washington.
Bo, though he was raised elsewhere, already has a keen sense of who’s in charge inside the Beltway. When the president walked across the room during the visit, Bo followed obediently.
News has leaked that the girl's have gotten their wish with the arrival of Bo. The Obama puppy is a gift from Senator Ted Kennedy to the Obama family. Isn't Bo cute!! Last fall President Barack Obama and his wife First Lady Michelle Obama spoke on Barbara Walters Special about their decision to get a dog for their daughters. Barbara Walters offered advice about her breed of dog to the first couple on her post election "Barbara Walters Special". The dog talk starts at the 5:02 min mark.
The Washington Post, who has been hot on the trail of this all-important story got the poop on the pup:
The little guy is a 6-month-old Portuguese water dog given to the Obama girls as a gift by that Portuguese water dog-lovin' senator himself, Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts. The girls named it Bo — and let it be noted that you learned that here first. Malia and Sasha chose the name, because their cousins have a cat named Bo and because first lady Michelle Obama's father was nicknamed Diddley, a source said. (Get it? Bo . . . Diddley?)
Bo's a handsome little guy. Well suited for formal occasions at the White House, he's got tuxedo-black fur, with a white chest, white paws and a rakish white goatee.
President Barack Obama and the first Lady have been barraged with questions about the pooch ever since it became known that the girls were promised a dog if Mr. Obama won the election.
Although having a pet is a first for the first family, the Obamas are Bo's second family. When the puppy's original family couldn't take care of him, none other than Senator Ted Kennedy (who owns two Water dogs) found a new home for the pup with the Obamas.
Despite the fact that this news came out a few days before it was scheduled to be formally announced, when Michelle Obama spoke to People in February, she said that April would be the month that her daughters would get their pet.
Here's a sample of a typical family conversation on the matter: "So Sasha says, 'April 1st.' I said, 'April.' She says, 'April 1st.' It's, like, April!," Mrs. Obama recalls. "Got to do it after spring break. You can't get a new dog and then go away for a week."[LA TIMES]