Hillary Clinton surprised many people on June 3rd when she still would not conceded after Barack Obama clinched the Democratic nomination for president. Hillary gave a delusional speech about the votes she received and she asked her supporters to contact her so she could determine how to proceed with her campaign. Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, Terry McAuliffe, spoke on the morning of June 3rd and said that Hillary Clinton would admit defeat if Barack Obama had the delegates to receive the nomination. However, he later changed his position and insisted that Hillary Clinton would not concede to Barack Obama.
McAuliffe: Hillary To Concede When Obama Hits "Magic Number"
McAuliffe: Hillary Will Not Concede
I'm sure plenty of people had strong reactions to that speech Hillary just gave. "To the 18 million people who voted for me, and many other people out there… I want to hear from you… I’ll be consulting with supporters and party leaders, to determine how to move forward, with the best interests of our party and our country in mind."
So she's going to leave it to her voters to decide whether she should accept defeat after having, you know, lost? What if every losing candidate left it to their supporters to decide whether or not to accept the outcome of a race? Who would ever accept defeat?
What good could possibly come of this? With Hillary proclaiming herself the legitimate winner, they're clearly going to say "keep going." If she actually does keep going, that's a disaster for the Democratic Party. And if she doesn't, you've just drawn a ton of attention to the fact that a large chunk of the party doesn't accept Obama as the legimiate nominee. No, worse: you've encouraged them to think that, then drawn attention to it. What a disaster. source