Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse Kim Kardashian and her sisters think it's funny to make a PSA about the tragic plight in Burma and turn it into a joke. Watch the PSA to see Kim K and her sisters looking like a trio of airhead skanks while shopping for clothes. It's an insult to watch Kim fumbling over scripted lines about the situtation in Burma while she's checking out her butt in the mirror.
Is it possible for Kim Kardashian and his sisters Klohe and Kourtney to care about anyone else in the world except for themselves? Kim Kardashian was so proud of herself and the PSA shoot that she described the filming experience as "fun" on her site. These chicks are so vain and conceited. When is taking pleasure in someone else's suffering and misery considered to be "fun"? The socialites and reality TV show stars of 'Keeping Up with the Kardashians' are truly living in their own little Beverly Hills bubble.
Kim K posted the following message on her official website.
My sisters and I recently did a public service announcement about the country of Burma's struggle for freedom. Their Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Ski is imprisoned right now and has endured torture. It's an incredible story and I'm honored to have helped raise awareness about Burma's plight. Over all it was a really fun and eye-opening experience! source
According to CNN Myanmar's military government began allowing aid agencies into the country on Thursday to respond to the dire needs of those who survived the killer storm but is still being criticized for acting too slow. The secretive military junta that rules Myanmar says more than 22,000 people died after Nargis struck Friday into Saturday, but the top U.S. diplomat in the country said the toll could exceed 100,000. source
Our advice to Reggie Bush is that he should stop sticking it to Kim Kardashian and dump this hoochie quickly before his reputation gets trashed. After watching this clip everyone can see that Kim K is definitely not wifey material. We weren't the only ones who were turned off by this shallow and self indulgent ad. Honestly, our gag reflex kicked in after viewing it and we were extremely nauseous. Click here to find out how you can help with the tragedy in Myanmar Burma.
The KKK skanks have done a PSA about Burma, but it comes off as a complete mockery. The PSA shows Kim trying on dresses while the sisters talk about "Burma's political plight." Cheery music plays in the background. Here's just some of their serious dialogue:
Kim: What's this benefit again for? Burping?
Khloe: Not burping. Burma.
Kim: I was kidding. I wrote my whole thesis on Burma. It's a terrible situation over there.
They go on to poorly recite scripted words about Burma. It ends with Khloe asking Kim if she "really wrote her college thesis on Burma?" Kim responds, "What a thesis? I'm totally kidding."
Kim, You're a dumb skank. I'm totally not kidding. source
We agree with DListed on this matter. Read Kim Kardashian's official post about the tragic death toll in Burma below.
This is a still image of a PSA we filmed weeks before a cyclone tragically thwarted Myanmar. The military has been oppressing the people of Burma for a long time, and it is an eerie coincidence that we're just now seeing the effects on a catastrophic scale. I will post the video again soon. I had to take it down because it was not yet ready to air. Sorry, it was premature for me to post it in the first place!
Hey guys,
I just wanted to share with you how I feel about the tragic cyclone that recently hit Burma.
The death toll may wind up being something astronomical like 100,000 people (I read this on CNN.com). And the country's government just started accepting aid from other countries (finally!)
My sisters and I recently did a public service announcement, which you can see here, about Burma's political plight. Now, the region needs our help more than ever! You can read more here about our PSA shoot and here on how to help.
It just makes me think: A few months ago I had no idea about the problems of Burma... and now I am simply devastated.
Are you going to do something to help?
Kim source
Here are some of the comments on Kim Kardashian's blog about the PSA commercial. Click here to read all of the comments. There are more than 280 comments and most of them are negative reactions to Kim K and her siblings in the PSA. The youtube video is also getting some ticked off comments from viewers.
Monica says:
I was actually applauding at the fact that you're taking part by doing something useful and helping out with the crisis but after watching that clip, I seriously wanted to slap you across the face. Was that supposed to be a joke, do you find humor in other people's misery? How old are you Kim? 27? You certainly do NOT act like the classy mature woman you are supposed to be. You have a mindset of a 15 year old. Seriously grow up, everything in life is not about money, cars, makeup, clothing and being the center of attention. So please do us all a favor, stop acting like you care about the world. Because you don't. You only care about yourself. And this is coming from someone who was your biggest fan of your sense of style. But that can only go so far. There is so much more to a person that their physical attributes. Its like I always try to find the positives in you but always end up getting shot down with the negatives. Do you think your father would be happy seeing you like this? I don't think so. I hope you do realize one day, maybe when you're 30+ that you need to be more considerate of other people's feelings. CiaoAnonymous says:
OMG kim ... I can't believe you made a video clip like that about a serious situation. You such a self consumed tramp you seriously have no class or brains. EVERYTHING you do is a joke including this video awareness clip.. I can't believe you actually made fun of something so serious. If your dad was alive he would slap your face from one side to the other ... Your disgusting... Reggie I can't believe your dating a flake like kim .. She's not only bad for you she's bad for your image.
May 9, 2008 3:00 AMAnonymous says:
if you want your message to be heard you should take yourself serious put down that 1000.00 dress and get your head out your own ass and really put fourth the effort to have something meaningful to say instead of showing off like a bimbo in front of a camera.
May 9, 2008 4:40 AM
Anonymous says:
hey kim while we are cracking jokes on a serious matter maybe you should donate your bentley for the cause I am sure the people of burma could use it more than you.WOW i honestly respect monica and anonymous' last statement.. they took the words right out of my mouth. I always looked up to kim for her sense of style, but personality wise, never. The world is not all about fashion, theres more important issues that are occuring everyday, whether u care or not they are happening. Its just unfortunate that your 27 and still have not grown out of this phase. You even sound like a little girl. People would respect you so much more if you acted intelligent, becuase then you would be beautiful and smart. all im saying is you beauty is a waste. Take care
May 9, 2008 6:21 AM
ummm says:
I really respect people's thoughts on this video clip... I am sorry for everyone out there who was offended by this... Kim, get over yourself. If you are going to be serious about something, be serious. Reggie should feel so embarrassed...
May 9, 2008 6:23 AM
Perhaps, instead, you might consider making another PSA abut the perils of living a life that is void of any kind of emotional depth or character? n'est pas?
I even have the title, "The Perils of a Sociopathic Socialite."
It's succinct and really covers your target message of how vapid narcissism can effortlessly gut a body of its soul and vitality.
May 9, 2008 9:53 AM