The Smoking Gun exposed Akon's fabricated criminal past. Akon spoke to MTV to set the record straight about his fake rap sheet and shed some positve light on the situation. We think Akon wouldn't have said anything about the fake background if the info didn't surface. We still think the guy makes good music. source Click here to read TSG report on Akon's fake rap sheet.
At the end of the day, the Konvict movement is keeping me out of jail,” Akon said. “It’s nothing I want to glorify or go back to. Honestly, I’m glad something like that came out, because it opens the minds of other people who’re thinking positive.
“We’re doing so many positive things,” he added. “To go back and focus and put energy on negative things like that, to try to discredit an artist, it makes no sense to me. If there was a motive for it, it would be worth entertaining. I’d rather keep it the way it is and leave the article out there. It only helps me. It’s not something I was trying to glorify or turn back to. It was something I was trying to forget. Actually, it worked out for me in a positive way.” source