Oscar winnning actor Matt Damon and his wife Luciana Barroso were seen at the Empire Film awards in London. His wife was very pregnant on the red carpet and showing a baby bump. The "Bourne" actor who was named People's Sexiest Man Alive is expecting his third child for their family .The couple's daughter Isabella was born in June 2006. Luciana has a 9-year-old daughter, Alexia, from her previous marriage.
Matt Damon's family is expanding: The actor and wife Luciana are expecting another baby, his rep Jennifer Allen tells PEOPLE exclusively. They have not stated how far along Luciana is in her pregnancy.
"They couldn't be happier," says Allen. "They're so excited!" source
Matt Damon stars in the successful Bourne series and was featured in a viral video parody with comic Sarah Silverman who admitted on US TV that she was “f**king” Hollywood actor Matt Damon. Fortunately for Sarah’s long-term partner, Jimmy and Matt’s gorgeous wife Luciana, it was just a spoof for the 5th anniversary of Jimmy Kimmel Live. The comedienne joked about how she and Matt Damon were f**king while Kimmel was “drinking Diet Snapples”. Damon even joins in on the gag making by pretending to grope Silverman’s breasts, shouting: “Hey Kimmel, how do you like them apples?” In the 5:23 sketch, Silverman and Damon are seen ‘getting down’ hip-hop stylee with their respective ‘posse’. Although the crowd are laughing, Jimmy doesn’t look too impressed. Hmmm, perhaps Sarah took it one step too far!